Backyard Jungle wallpaper

Backyard Jungle wallpaper

What are the environmental impacts of eggs?

The Lantern has good news for those of you who, like her, are devotees of the 24-hour breakfast menu: According to the best data we have so far, eggs are on the green end of the animal-protein spectrum. That doesn’t mean they’re particularly good for the planet, however.

Pike Creek Coffee Roasterie offers tote bags made from recycled coffee sacks

Pike Creek Coffee Roasterie is now offering messenger bags and totes made from recycled coffee sacks.

Roasterie owner Carol Allston-Stiles has her empty, burlap coffee sacks transformed into bags by a network of small and independently-owned sewing groups, coordinated by a coffee roaster in Minnesota.

Panasonic Combines its Strengths for a Full-Scale Entry into Solar Power Generation Business

The Panasonic Group is currently working to boost its product strengths in devices that create energy, store energy, and save energy; its ability to offer value by linking these devices together as systems; and its capacity to sell these products and systems across the globe. Such initiatives are designed to accelerate the growth of its energy systems business as a flagship business for the entire company.

Nice photo of Red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans)

Fox spins Gulf Spill gives only part of the story in suggesting Obama’s been “derelict”

Adm. Mike Mullen: Oil Industry Has Better Technology For BP Oil Spill Response Than Military

For the most part this blog will be a link aggregator from now on.