Spring Butterflies wallpaper

Spring Butterflies wallpaper

FDA approves Amgen osteoporosis drug

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved on Tuesday the sale of Amgen Inc’s osteoporosis drug Prolia to help prevent fractures in post-menopausal women just days after the medicine received European approval.

Neanderthals walk into frozen Britain 40,000 years earlier than thought

Early pre-Neanderthals inhabited Britain before the last ice age, but were forced south by a previous glaciation about 200, 000 year ago. When the climate warmed up again between 130,000 and 110,000 years ago, they couldn’t get back because, similar to today, the Channel sea-level was raised, blocking their path. This discovery shows they returned to our shores much earlier than 60, 000 years ago, as previous evidence suggested.

From Crumbling Decay to Green, Nourishing Life

The manager of the farm, the Americorps dude, told us that this area is a hot spot for urban farming…the post-industrial regions…the rust belt regions…where populations are falling, buildings are crumbling, and disadvantaged communities are in a downward spiral of poverty and hopelessness. It is a grand experiment…..turning decay into growth. Cement into green.

Rare Carnivorous Plant On Top Ten List of Newly Discovered Species

BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas in Worst Case Scenario

New efforts to end massive gulf oil spill

Now, BP has cut off the broken pipe and is trying to fit a smaller box tightly on the well. Again the plan is to capture the oil and send it through a pipe to vessels on the surface. We will know by this weekend whether it has worked.

BP is also digging two new wells nearby that will be used to inject cement into the damaged well to seal it permanently. That won’t be finished until August.

Criminal probe of oil slick launched

Striking an increasingly aggressive posture as the Deepwater Horizon disaster enters its second month, the Obama administration said Tuesday that it had begun civil and criminal investigations into the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.