Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Arctic ice at low point compared to recent geologic history

marine mammals

Atlantic Spotted Dolphins

Dolphin uses iPad as way to communicate with humans

Last week, a young bottlenose dolphin named Merlin became the first of his species to join the growing number of enthusiasts using the Apple iPad. Dolphin research scientist, Jack Kassewitz of, introduced the iPad to the dolphin in early steps towards building a language interface.

Arctic ice at low point compared to recent geologic history

Less ice covers the Arctic today than at any time in recent geologic history. That’s the conclusion of an international group of researchers, who have compiled the first comprehensive history of Arctic ice.

Physicists unlock mystery of subatomic particle

For the first time, physicists have confirmed that certain subatomic particles have mass and that they could account for a large proportion of matter in the universe, the so-called dark matter that astrophysicists know is there but that cannot be observed by conventional means.

As BP’s spill efforts stall, oil creeps toward other states

As BP’s latest attempt to capture leaking oil from its crippled rig in the Gulf of Mexico stalled Wednesday, Alabama, Florida and Mississippi braced for what officials said could be the first crude oil to hit their beaches.

Travelers can check the web sites of their destination such as Pensacola, Florida for local updates on spill effects.

BP Media Clampdown: No Photos Of Dead Animals, Please – such as the Atlantic Spotted dolphins above.

When we last left Mother Jones’ reporter Mac McClelland, she was in the Gulf Coast region, caught up in the surreal tangle of media roadblocks that were being erected by British Petroleum to keep reporters at bay.

Why won’t Obama just get even madder about this oil spill?

Grown-up professional political pundits and journalists have decided that President Obama’s response to the oil spill has been a complete and utter failure because he has not acted mad enough. Some of them are also mad that he has not magically stopped the leak. A couple of them have specifically wished for him to act more like America’s Dad.

The pundits and journos who have demanded that the president find some way to act angrier — that he simply do something, even if that  something is entirely ineffective and pointless and merely for the sake of appearances — include:

* Chris Matthews
* Maureen Dowd
* David Gergen
* David Broder
* Joe Scarborough
* James Carville
* Peggy Noonan
* Thomas Friedman
* The majority of the White House Press Corps

If jumping up and down throwing a temper tantrum kept bad things from happening or fixed things that did go wrong I’d start doing that immediately.