Dry Grass wallpaper, Solar leasing company gets financing, Little owl meets rare lion

Dry Grass wallpaper

A $100 Million Pool for Solar Financing

PG&E Corporation, the California utility holding company, has created a $100 million tax equity fund to finance residential solar installations by SunRun, a San Francisco startup that leases photovoltaic arrays to homeowners.

Leasing is an interesting way to get people hooked up to solar.

India gets their biggest solar plant yet

India’s first-ever 3 Mw solar photovoltaic power plant, erected by the Karnataka Power Corpora-tion Limited (KPCL), the state-owned power generating company, was dedicated to the nation at Yalesandra village in Kolar district on Thursday.

Baby owl meets massive lion!

This tiny owl looked like it was about to be eaten for breakfast when it accidentally fell into the lion enclosure at a zoo!

The tawny owl chick tumbled from its nest and hopped right up to Indu, a two-metre-long Asiatic lion.

Zoo visitors raised the alarm, but it was too dangerous for anyone to go into the enclosure to rescue the owl.

The big cat wasn’t interested in its new feathery friend though, and it’s thought the owl later flew to safety.

There is a photo at the link.

Tax credit debuts for life science firms

A federal tax credit that aims to spur more research and development on the best ways to treat chronic diseases will soon be available to Massachusetts’ life science companies.

Starting today, the Therapeutic Tax Credit is a two-year credit that businesses with 250 or fewer employees can apply for through the US Treasury Department.

Senator John F. Kerry said the credit will help create jobs in the life, biological, and medical sciences sectors.

BP pegs spill at worst-case 100,000 bpd

The estimate in the undated BP document was released by U.S. Representative Ed Markey(D-Mass), chairman of the energy and environment subcommittee of the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee.

“Right from the beginning, BP was either lying or grossly incompetent,” Markey told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday.

Ripping the populist mask off GOPBP

Then there is Bachmann, who represents a district in Minnesota and therefore cannot be excused for standing up on behalf of a regional economic interest. To her, the escrow fund represents a scheme for “redistribution” of wealth — as if the people who will receive money from it are undeserving welfare recipients and as if BP had done nothing to injure them. She derided the BP executives who will pay into the escrow account as “chumps.”