Late Summer Beach wallpaper, Response to mammals’ breath helps aphids avoid being eaten, Western Steller Sea Lion still needs help to recover

sunset landscape

Late Summer Beach wallpaper

A whiff of danger prompts insects to keel over – Response to mammals’ breath helps aphids avoid being eaten

For the first part of the study, Inbar and his team allowed a goat to feed on potted alfalfa plants infested with aphids. The researchers were amazed to see that 65 percent of the aphids dropped to the ground just seconds before they would have been eaten along with the plant.

The researchers did think to control for the aphids responding to shaking the branches of the plant – as a goat might do when beginning to eat a plant. The created their own little device that shook the plant, but obviously did not emit any breath. The aphids stayed attached to the plant under those conditions. The ambient humidity emitted by animal breath seems to be a key factor in initiating the mass run for your response. Add this evolutionary adaptation to a range of insect predation avoidance strategies.

More Actions Needed to Help Western Steller Sea Lion Recover

NOAA’s Fisheries Service says changes are needed to the areas where commercial fishermen may fish for groundfish off Alaska’s Aleutian Islands to further promote the recovery of the western population of Steller sea lions, and to be in compliance with the Endangered Species Act.

…Although scientists found that current fishing practices are unlikely to impact the endangered whale populations, such is not the case with Steller sea lions. The greatest concern is in fishery management area 543 in the western Aleutians. From 2000-2008, adult numbers declined 45 percent in this sub-region. Pup production declined 43 percent, making the ratio of pups to adult females on rookeries in this sub-region the lowest in the entire western Steller sea lion population. This continued low birth rate is an indicator of lack of food to sustain the population.

The proposal for helping the Stellers calls for the closure of the Atka mackerel and Pacific cod fisheries in one area and restricting them in two others. That shouldn’t be much of a hardship on commercial fishing – you know since the fish move about. The Stellar tends to establish a rookery and keeps it’s hunting within a range. So the proposal amounts to leaving the Stellar’s dinner alone as long as it is within their hunting range.  Lots of nice charts and graphs here,

APS to Develop Largest Solar Power System on U.S. Government Property

Arizona Public Service Co. will own and operate a new 15-megawatt photovoltaic power plant to be built at Luke Air Force Base in Glendale, Ariz. APS has hired SunPower Corp. to design and construct the solar plant, which is expected to come online in summer 2011. It will be the largest solar installation on U.S. government property.

This is not a done deal since environmental impact studies are not completed.