Ranunculus Blooms wallpaper, A step toward plug and play solar, Bright corals may help fight cancer

summer wallpaper

Ranunculus Blooms wallpaper

“Plug and Play” Solar Panel Kits Offer Homeowners Affordable Alternative Energy Source

The “Sunfish” would work like this: Next spring go to your local hardware store or electronics retailer, purchase a power module, circuit monitor and pluggable solar panel—all the components of the “Sunfish”. Return home to swap out a regular electricity outlet for the circuit monitor (not unlike installing a grounded outlet in your bathroom to prevent shock), plug in the 18-kilogram solar panel via the power module in any socket and hang it on the most convenient (and sunny) side of your house, lawn, fence or roof. Then synchronize the power module with the circuit monitor using some form of power metering software—such as Google PowerMeter or Microsoft Hohm—and electricity derived from sunlight will begin to course through the circuit of your home.

If it takes a few hours and involves working with a circuit monitor is not exactly “Plug and Play” Solar. Though it is definitely a major step in that direction. I’d check with a friend who knows something about electrical work or even write an ad on Craigslist asking for some help. Final pricing is subject to change, currently the Sunfish – like a shutter that can be hung on the best side of your house – MSRP is $2995-$3995. More specs here – Sunfish: Revolutionizing Renewable Energy.

U.S.: Final kill needed as BP well not secure

Ending days of uncertainty, the incident chief for the busted BP well said Friday that BP experts and government scientists agree a relief well needs to be finished to completely kill the busted well, but just how to do so is still being discussed.

“Everybody’s in agreement we need to move ahead with the relief well; the question is how to do that,” National Incident Commander Thad Allen told reporters.

The relief well would provide a “bottom kill” in addition to the top kill already in place.

I should start numbering these. Reason number 126? not to mess with nature. It might save your life one day – Australia corals to light up cancer cure fight

Australian scientists have discovered a cluster of brilliant shallow-water corals that could help in the search for anti-cancer drugs and to understand global warming, a researcher said Saturday.

[  ]…The gene producing the particular pigment — red, green, blue or yellow — would be attached to a molecule in both healthy and cancerous cells, and would enable scientists to track cell growth and change using a special fluorescent-sensitive laser microscope.

Interesting article for ecologists – pro or enthusiasts – on the interaction between the invasive European beachgrass, Tidestrom’s lupine (Lupinus tidestromii) and deer mice. The beach grass is providing cover for the very timid mouse to get to and feed on the lupine. The deer mouse would be deterred from feeding so freely were it not for the beachgrass. Trojan Horse attack on native lupine