Desert lightning wallpaper, Australian students break solar road trip record

Desert lightning wallpaper 

I don’t think that lightning storms over the desert or plains are more intense then electrical storms over forested areas as much as they look more dramatic. That flickering is difficult to capture without also including some extreme blur. The flickering itself is caused by several discharges of electricity. Lightning is kind of lazy in its own way as once one discharge heats a path successive discharges will take that same preheated path. There are a few theories as to what actually causes lightning storms. I ‘ll try and post a little about those theories in the near future.

Congratulations to these students from Sydney University in Australia, Sydney students break solar road trip record

A group of university students from Sydney have broken the world record for the fastest solar powered road trip from Perth to Sydney.

The team of 11 engineering students from the University of New South Wales made the trip in the Sunswift 3 in five days, beating the 1994 record by nearly three days.

The solar panelled car travelled an average of 700 kilometres a day at speeds of around 70 kilometres an hour.

Engineering student Andrew Pratley says he hopes more consideration will be given to similar vehicles in the future.

“Climate change is a huge topical issue and examples like this show we don’t need fossil fuels to drive on the roads,” he said.

70 kph is equal to 43.49 mph. Not bad for solar powered speed and not impractical for most downtown city driving.

Todya’s bonus link the last chapter in Mark H’s  Marine Life Series: Filter Feeders, Part III