Fisherman’s Sunrise wallpaper, From Landfill to Solar array, Al got it mostly right

Fisherman’s Sunrise wallpaper

Solar energy array proposed for tainted landfill site

The landfill has been designated a Superfund site by the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the state Department of Environmental Protection, meaning the site is extremely contaminated and polluted and must be monitored by the different government agencies.

The estimated $16 million project would involve installation of dozens of solar panels mounted on racks set in long rows on about 9 acres of the 25-acre site.

“There would hardly be any maintenance at all,” Angelini said. “And this would not penetrate the cap (the clay cover) on the landfill.”

On one level what a great idea. Nobody, or at least no one I know wants to live on a toxic Superfund site so a solar panel array would be a wise use of the land. On the other hand a capped site is not a clean site. The toxics will be there, a potential hazard for centuries.

Scientists Debate The Accuracy Of Al Gore’s Documentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

What is up for debate is whether it accurately presents the scientific argument that global warming is caused by human activities. Climate change experts express their opinions on the scientific validity of the film’s claims in articles just published online in Springer’s journal, GeoJournal.

An Inconvenient Truth is about Al Gore’s campaign to educate citizens about global warming and inspire them to take action. The papers in GeoJournal agree that it does an excellent job of raising public awareness of man-made global warming and explains why increased atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases lead to warming. They also agree that its main weakness is that it tries to use individual extreme events, such as Hurricane Katrina, to prove the existence of global warming.

[ ]…Gerald North from Texas A&M University concludes the debate by stating that although there are some inaccuracies and exaggerations in the film, on the whole it represents mainstream scientific views on global warming.

One of the great things about the scientific community compared to every other institution that composes our society, such as government is this constant pursuit of the truth. This scientific review also highlights a serious problem we have as a society, that unless someone puts all the information in a entertaining way in a film or PBS special that information just doesn’t reach much of the public.

Sand Poodle out taking its human for a walk. Humans need to be walked occasionally or they go stir crazy.