Gold Splash wallpaper, Toyota readys all electric car for 2012

Gold Splash wallpaper

Toyota makes it official, there was substance to those rumors Toyota to launch pure electric car in U.S. by 2012

Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) said it would launch an all-electric car for city commuting by 2012 in the United States as part of its plan to speed up the introduction of green cars as its global sales falter.

The FT-EV concept made its debut at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit Sunday, where the world’s top automaker is also unveiling two new gasoline-electric hybrid cars.


Toyota has said that the car is aimed at a commuter that lives in or very close to the city and would only need to travel around 50 miles between charges. If  Toyota can edge that up to 60 miles  ( leaving aside those that might be able to recharge at work) this would make a very good commuter car,

Life for commuters can be heaven or hell. They report an average one-way commute time of 26 minutes (over an average distance of 16 miles). But the variance is huge: On the best days, the average commute is 19 minutes; on the worst days, 46 minutes. That means traffic, at its worst, can double the average commute time, adding 27 minutes each way.

GKSS scientists refute argument of climate sceptics

Between 1880 and 2006 the average global annual temperature was about 15°C. However, in the years after 1990 the frequency of years when this average value was exceeded increased.

[  ]…With the help of the so called „Monte-Carlo-Simulation“ the coastal researchers Dr. Eduardo Zorita and Professor Hans von Storch at the GKSS-Research Centre together with Professor Thomas Stocker from the University of Bern estimated that it is extremely unlikely that the frequency of warm record years after 1990 could be an accident and concluded that it is rather influenced by a external driver.

The fact that the 13 warmest years since 1880 could have accured by accident after 1990 corresponds to a likelihood of no more than 1:10,000.