Split Rail Fence Winter wallpaper, Silicon Valley backs stimulus plan, Killing wildlife for thrills

Split Rail Fence Winter wallpaper

Silicon V.C.’s Feel Optimistic About Stimulus Plan

Silicon Valley executives, it seemed, are feeling quite cheered by President Obama’s energy agenda, which emphasizes “smart grid” technologies that encourage energy conservation.

The stimulus comes up for a vote today. It should pass easily in the House. Too close to call in the Senate. Eight billion of that is directly for green tech – renewable power. Not small change, but some, including me think its a little too small.

Wildlife Thrill Killings: Snowmobile Rider Reacts

The leader of an area snowmobile group says some riders are giving the sport a bad image.

This season, police say a handful of snowmobilers have hit and killed more than one-hundred ducks and five deer in eastern Wisconsin.

Jerry Vetterkind, President of the Eau Claire County Snowmobile Association, says those people don’t accurately represent all riders.

“Why are these guys doing it? I have no idea,” he said. “It reflects badly on snowmobiling. But, snowmobiling is a great sport.”

Considering overall bird populations are down in the continental U.S. especially sad news.

Congratulations to Drew University,

Drew University in Madison, N.J., has opened a new residence hall that is heated and cooled by geothermal energy.

US roads, water and basic systems earn ‘D’ grade

America’s roads, public transit and aviation have gotten worse in the past four years. Water and sewage systems are dreadful. The basic physical backbone of American society is barely above failing, a report by top engineers says.

It’ll cost $2.2 trillion to fix America’s ailing infrastructure, according to highlights of a report being released early…

[  ]…But just because the federal government is handing out lots of money and society’s physical backbone needs plenty of repairs, that doesn’t automatically mean the government should spend most of its dollars on things such as new roads and power plants, Morgan said. Often, building newer roads doesn’t fix congestion, yet building better public transit would pay off more, he said. And spending on energy efficiency more than physical power plants makes sense, he added.

Calves And Chickens Feeding In Farmyard by Edgar-Hunt. Anyone that has been on an actual farm knows its not this idyllic, but still a pretty painting.