Wind Power wallpaper, Wildlife might be disease spread indicators, FDA warn about cold medicines

Wind Power and Clouds wallpaper

Wildlife gives early warning of ‘deadly dozen’ diseases spread by climate change

Scientists have nicknamed them the “deadly dozen”: 12 diseases, lethal to humans and wildlife, that are increasing their geographical range.

Ebola, cholera, plague and sleeping sickness were among those identified yesterday by veterinary scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) as spreading across the planet because of climate change. The scientists said that wildlife could give an early warning of the approach of diseases and save millions of people.

Researchers called for wildlife monitoring systems to be set up around the globe to watch for signs of disease among animals before it spreads and kills people. Monitoring networks have already been introduced in parts of the world and have proved successful in saving lives.

This does not mean that everyone should run out and buy more supplies and special air filters for the bomb shelter. There appears to be some trends to watch, that under certain conditions could get worse. Keeping an eye on wildlife could serve as an early warning system. Its has been known for years that amphibians and changes in their health and population are good indicators of the quality of local wetlands.

Drugmakers promise to relabel cold remedies as wrong for kids under 4

The makers of cold and cough medicines said yesterday that they will stop marketing over-the-counter remedies to children under 4 – acting amid an extensive federal review of whether the drugs are safe and effective for children under 12.

The voluntary decision comes two years after Baltimore Health Commissioner Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein and a group of leading pediatricians petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to stop the sale of the medicines to young children, saying the products are not effective and could cause harm.

Pumpkins and Halloween wallpaper