Wetlands wallpaper, 95% of western riparian have been destroyed, Oddball virus kills cancer

Wetlands wallpaper

Riparian Restoration & Songbirds

Riparian ecosystems, the interface between land and water, are highly productive areas associated with creeks, streams, rivers, and wetlands. Riparian habitat comprises less than 1% of land cover in the western United States, yet supports more diverse and abundant wildlife populations than upland areas. In California, Oregon, and Wyoming, WCS has been working with both private and public land managers to evaluate the response of riparian-dependent songbirds to a variety of riparian management and restoration efforts.

While the song birds suffer when riparian ecosystems are degraded, there are consequences for humans. Such systems provide natural flood control, recharge ground water and water filtration. 95% of the riparian systems in the western U.S. have been destroyed.

Senecavirus Structure Revealed (Oh, And It Still Kills Cancer Cells 10,000 Times Better Than Traditional Chemotherapeutics). This oddball virus was thought to be a pathogen found in pigs and cows. It has no harmful affect on normal human cells, but could infect and kill solid cancerous tumor cells.

Scientist warns cash woes ‘devastating’ to science

Famed scientist Richard Leakey warned that the worldwide credit crisis will be “just devastating” to scientific research in coming years, as endowment interest income drops and companies cut donations.

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